What is reverse impervious? Effective anti-seepage treatment


The construction speed in Vietnam in general and Hanoi in particular are happening fast. But what everyone is concerned about is what affects the longevity of the works. Leakage is one of the major causes of the reduced life span of buildings. It does not just happen with existing and used works but also with new construction works to be used. Common cases such as ceiling, walls, toilets, water tanks, swimming pools, contiguous joints between two houses, underground works, bridges ...

Causes of leakage:

- Due to the quality of works (errors in construction, construction materials are not good quality, not suitable).

- Due to the hot weather in Vietnam, heavy rain, high humidity, irregular hot and cold, there is a shrinkage of materials.

- Due to geological changes such as foundation, stratigraphy (natural subsidence, subsidence caused by other adjacent works affect.

- Also caused by some other causes.

What is waterproofing pros? What is water resistance?

Waterproofing is waterproof from outside to inside (waterproofing outside walls), from top to bottom (ceiling).

Waterproofing or reverse waterproofing is reverse waterproofing with the source of infiltration.

It should only be applied when waterproofing is not possible.

There are many cases of reverse waterproofing such as: water permeable from the house to the wall, the wall adjacent to the wall of the house or when it rains outside walls are penetrated into the interior wall surface, From the upper floor down the stain on the surface of the wall caused loss of aesthetics.

To effectively reverse waterproofing, we need to understand the structure of concrete, cleaning surface and then conduct the waterproofing. Reverse waterproofing is usually waterproofed by products that have good adhesion to the concrete surface and are capable of penetrating into the concrete to ensure that the concrete layer will create a crystal film in the calf body. Adhesion and adhesion are closely linked to prevent water permeability.

For the reverse waterproofing you can use one of the following products: Green Guard 50, Quicseal 119.

Construction process:

- The chopped, chiselled plaster, lake, cement cling to the concrete surface with hand tools such as hammer hammer, chisel hammer ... The construction surface should be examined, floor (if any) according to the width of 1-2cm 2cm deep, holes, pits need to chisel to remove the adhesion, chisel and depth to the solid. Around the mouth of the drainage pipes through the floor should be cut from 2-3 cm wide, 3m deep to be able to receive many waterproofing, hinged and reinforced with the shrinkage compensated shrinkage.

- Prepare the tools by brush, brushing, spraying or mortar spraying, the concrete surface must have a certain moisture before application (saturated surface but not to be stagnant)

- Apply 2 to 3 layers perpendicular to the upper, the second layer to the first layer from 2-4 hours depending on the outdoor temperature as well as each type of product.

- Average thickness is from 2 to 6kg / m2 (depending on actual requirements)

- Mixing materials should be divided into small boxes so that many people can apply them at the same time

- The two types of waterproofing products are usually cementitious, requiring high maintenance to ensure that the material is bonded and good adhesion to the waterproofing surface, making it a solid film.

- When finishing the surface, care must be taken immediately to prevent it from drying too quickly by covering the plastic bag, wet bag or continuous water spray.

- Note: do not mix too much material to prevent the construction is not timely, need to roll a layer of protective mortar on the surface and not be applied under the sun.