Waterproofing for elevator with Quicseal 111 or Quicseal 300


Elevators play an important role in buildings, if the elevator is leaking damaged will affect the life of people in the building. The most important elevator is the elevator shaft, which must be waterproof and always dry. To effectively lift elevator shaft you can refer to the leaking process for elevator with Quicseal 111 or Quicseal 300

+ Clean surface construction

+ Cracks clean the old mortar and the adhesion on the surface of the wall and the bottom of the ladder.

+ Use water to clean dirt.

All areas where water is permeable or water leakage through the use of frozen chemicals immediately block. In the case of leaking water, it is necessary to use TIO to drain the water and then seal up one position.

+ When there is no leakage water anymore, use chemical waterproof roll or sweep over the surface to be treated waterproof. Roll the Quicseal 111 or Quicseal 300 until no dampness is present. Minimum of two to three classes.

+ After rolling the chemical, use a waterproofing admixture to mix mortar with high efficiency mixed with cement, sand to plaster the entire surface has been applied waterproof layer, the thickness of the plaster is 1-2cm.


- Increase the waterproofing and adhesion of mortar

- Increases resistance to alkaline and acid

- Protect the waterproofing layer from leaks and absorb moisture when there is moisture or osmosis water from other locations.

+ 1-2 cm thick plaster cover the entire wall and bottom of elevator shaft.

Deeply drilled sites should be filled with fillers before they can be used.

+ Construction waste collection and return the site.